Friday, November 25, 2011

The Neighborhood

One of my friends told me on Facebook that I needed to put up some pictures of the area, since she had of their new town, Tokyo.  So, I took Mattie for a walk about a week and a half ago and took these pictures.  They're not up to Andreas' standard, but they're what I can do. 

As you can see, the neighborhood is rather, um, mixed in architecture and such.  The last picture in this series is the front door to our house, which is a very nice place.


Susan said...

Thank you for the pictures of your current area. How big, about, is your metropolitan area? Looks like the trees may have suffered a nasty wind or ice storm in the past few years.

mdgtjulie said...

Cool. It's fun to see where people live. Looks like it was a rainy week when you took your pics. I love how it looks after a rain. Everything is all fresh and green...

Meg said...

Chisinau has about a million people, half the country's population. It wasn't raining the week I took the pictures, unfortunately. We have a water pipe problem in the neighborhood. Our particular area is in the southwest corner of town, almost at the edge. All the construction is within the past, oh, ten years or so. Not sure about the storm damage, although they do get a lot of ice storms and snow here.