Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tree Topped

The trees are all the way across the top now.  I've got a bit of the right corner square done, too.  It's amazing what four lengths of thread a day can do to progress.

Chateau Migdal - The Tasting Rom

Our party of nine was put in the Medieval Room for the tasting.  This is what the table looked like before we sat down.  Our first course included meats, cheeses, placinte, bread, sarmale, and fruit and veg.

We also had a hot course of mamaliga and pork tocana.  Everything was well prepared, and the wine flowed freely.

Blue Out

I've got a bit of blue coming through in a bar below the completed letter area.  Maybe I should start adding beads?

Chateau Migdal- Transition And Traditional Tasting Room

These photos are transitioning between buildings.  You can see the pretty murals and the big storage containers.

This room is the tasting room for groups up to 20.  It's decorated very traditionally for Moldova and has a lot of wood carving.  The chandelier is custom carved and has different varietals on it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

More Fiddly Bits

It seems everything on this piece is fiddly bits.  There are so many partial stitches!  I am, at least, getting close to the halfway point.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tired Of Browns

There are SOOO many neutral colors and confetti stitches in this.  I'm getting tired of them and need more color.  Can't wait to get to the tail feathers.

Chateau Migdal - Aging Area

Migdal uses both giant and normal sized oak barrels for aging.  They also have the metal chiller tanks for whites and roses.  Most of them are housed in a giant building toward  the back of the complex.  Also in the building is their largest tasting room, which overlooks the barrels.