Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Crewel Confidence - NOT

This piece is a Group Correspondence Course from EGA. It's my first attempt at crewel in over 20 years. Some parts I think look okay, and other parts are wretched. I've learned a lot about working with wool, though, like the fluff factor. It also feels really weird not counting the stitches, but putting them in where you think they look good. As you can see, I have only four major elements to go. The colors - are not the original colors and not colors I would have chosen for myself. I ordered the kit from Jenny June back in April? March? and it came with these colors, though I swear they're not the ones that were in the picture. Probably this will end up being either a "gift to relative" project or a cushion in the house somewhere. Either way, it's a learning experience.

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