Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Midi Mystery - Rhodes Started

Monday, September 25, 2006
Medieval Town Mandala - Butterflies Done!

Goldwork Ground

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Panda Pal and Mystery Ornament

Major Bargello Progress

Another Great Framing Job and Bleu Normandie

Thursday, September 21, 2006
The Other Projects
I decided to lump in all the other works in progress in one pictureless post because there wasn't much difference in the photos my husband took on Sunday vs the ones he had taken the previous week. So, what's done? Today I finished Bleu Normandie. I also have to start a goldwork class I signed up for on the Classic Stitches website. It started on the eleventh and I got my kit in the mail on Tuesday. Until then, I'd forgotten about it. So - I start stitching on that today. The Medieval Town Mandala is progressing - I finished the final over one butterfly today, and get to work another Treasure Braid square. On the Midi Mystery, I finished the cross stitches from Part 1, which means I get to work all the specialty stitches before going on to Part 2. Getting there - the Rhodes stitches go fast. Since I finished Bleu Normandie, I'm also starting a new ornament. Decided to give Normandie a break and will be working the small design that was given as an extra in the Midi Mystery group. It should go quickly; it's not very big. Pictures will be taken again on Sunday before my husband leaves on his business trip for the week.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bargello - Distillation Columns

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
New Start - Panda Pals from Brittercup

Monday, September 18, 2006
Purple Queen Framed

It's Done!

Friday, September 15, 2006
Bleu Normandie
Bargello Progress

It's not as far as I thought it would be when I posted last week. I took it to do in the car while I was waiting for my daughter to get out of school yesterday and completed the second section and started on the third. It shouldn't take too long to do, as long as I actually sit down and stitch. Life should be returning to somewhat normal next week, I hope. I really want to get this one finished before I go to the EGA national seminar.
The Chatelaines

I've managed to complete four of the butterflies and get the other four about halfway done this week. Hopefully I'll be able to start the gold border and the corner areas before the picture next week. Since it's rainy out, I'm hoping I'll be able to stitch more. On the Midi Mystery, I've made progress on all that Treasure Braid on the bottom. It gets annoying to work with since it twists so much. Maybe I'll be able to get to the black bottom this week before completing the Treasure Braid. Martina released a small project using the same threads as the Midi Mystery to the group this week. I might make a Christmas ornament out of it.
I Think I Can - So Close!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Less Than I Wanted

I didn't get as much stitching done this week as I wanted. Life intervened in a very hard, sad way for me. Anyway, the next few posts will be of my updates. This is Sweetheart Tree's Potpourri Heart from the kit. I finished it into an ornament. My daughter won't let me give it away. I did the finishing this week is why it's here. The second picture is of a pulled thread design we did at the May meeting of Pocono Mountain EGA. I did the mounting this week and need to put the gold cord around it. The copper colored silk behind it is from Plumridge Silks. They have a good bargain lot where you get lots of silk in lots of colors for cheap. I'll probably make a few more of these because I like the way it turned out.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Bargello Progress

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Medieval Town Mandala and Midimystery

I decided to combine these two, since they're by the same designer. I'm having fun with these - on the MTM, I've managed to finish two of the butterflies and get halfway done on two more. My husband really likes the way they look and the fine detail. He's an observer. It's part of what makes him such a good scientist. The Midi Mystery 2 is coming along, slowly. I finished the two columns and am finally! starting the bottom flourishes. When I'm done with those, it's on to finally doing the Rhodes stitches! I'll get there. Eventually. My husband agreed that I should order the Japanese Garden design before it goes out of circulation next month. So, another project! I'm not going to start anything else until I get at least one of these four done, though.
First Finish

So, my first finish after starting this blog is here. It's okay. I didn't really like the brown too much. I'm doing the same thing again over two on colors my husband picked - baby blue linen with Needle Necessities color 134. I've got the tree, one apple and part of the Calvados bottle done. The good thing about picking these for ornaments is they go fast. Of course, finishing them's going to be a challenge. I haven't quite decided how yet. Ideas?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
It's so Crewel

As promised, my husband took pictures last night. Here's the progress on my Crewel Confidence GCC. As you can see, I got the little flowers at the bottom left done. They were a fun whipped spiderweb stitch. Now I'm working on the flower at the bottom - long and short stitch with color blending in four colors. I've completed two and, to me, it looks horrible so far. You'd think they'd give us a simpler shape than this three lobed flower with all the direction changes to do first. Oh well - it's getting closer to done! Maybe in the next couple of weeks I'll have it out of my rotation altogether.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
One of Those Days
It's one of those days where, try as I might, I haven't been able to get any of my stitching done. I've been working on the newsletter for my local Embroiderers' Guild chapter and taking my daughter to and from her first day of the semester. Not usually a big deal except this is my first issue of the newsletter and the last editor had everything saved in a program I've never heard of despite being a Mac owner for twenty years. Oh well. Several ad scans later and some judicious use of MS word and it's done. It's at the copy center now being printed. My daughter, on the other hand, is on a schedule where it's just too short to drop her off and pick her up and just too long to sit in the parking log and wait. At least it's only Tuesdays and Thursdays this way. The other three days are long and I can go home between. I'll be so happy when she finally gets her license and saves up enough for a car.
On a bright note, I finished Normandie over one yesterday. Most likely tonight I'll have new pictures to put up of my WIP's. They're actually progressing pretty well.
On a bright note, I finished Normandie over one yesterday. Most likely tonight I'll have new pictures to put up of my WIP's. They're actually progressing pretty well.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Rainy Days
Today is one of those great days for stitching. It's rainy and windy out and a bit on the chilly side. Can't go out to do anything, and who wants to do house work on a holiday weekend? Looks like I'll be able to finish up my Normandie over one in the next day or two and get a lot more done on the other pieces. It's a good thing, especially since Lynne came over on Thursday and we went buying at Banbury Cross.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Normandie One Over One

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