Two more petals done on this; I should be able to get more done on the trip, perhaps even complete the flower. This is my last scheduled blog post. I might not be able to post again until the first of June, as I'm off on an adventure. Will share pictures and such when I get back, if not before.
Hi Meg,
Now I'm curious about your adventure. Yes, I definitely want to see pictures.
Especially since it doesn't look like I'm going to have a big adventure this year! :-)
Is this project working up easier faster than the first belt buckle?
I love the blues in the Bubbles piece!
Windy Meadow
It's working up easier and a bit faster, but the directions just plain suck. It didn't help that I found out the kit didn't include one thread I needed until the day before I left for Pristina. I like the look of this one better, too.
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