Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Flowers Done

I've got three, not two, flowers stitched.  Their stems and leaves aren't done, but the flowers themselves are.  While I really love the design, I am becoming less and less a fan of the kit and stitch guide.  So far, I've not been able to figure out which thread goes where on each flower because the stitch guide doesn't tell you.  I've ended up substituting two different threads of my own so far, and there are no diagrams for the stitches called for.  On top of that, the stitch guide's very disorganized.

Despite the problems, I'm making fairly substantial progress and will probably finish this before the end of the year.  I had been thinking about buying another kit from The French Knot - a cute little Fort Worth piece, but after the way this kit has been put together, I'd rather not.


pamelaric said...

The ANG website illustrates their stitch of the month. Lots and lots of stitches are shown. This is where I go when I don't have a book and don't know the stitch. Here is a link: Good luck, Pamela (Tucson, AZ)

Meg Welch said...

Yes, I know. I also know that half the time I'm stitching, I don't have access to the internet. It's also just one of the problems with the stitch guide. A lot of the problems revolve around which thread to use where. It's just plain annoying.