Thursday, October 08, 2009

Second Jellyfish Started

I started my second jellyfish this week. It's fairly easy so far, though I have to use two needles with the same thread but different numbers of plies in them.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Yet Another Marquoir Start

Yes, this is the fifth of five concurrent stitchalongs in the German Marquoir group. This one's a mystery by Kelly Searles. I've switched out the colors rather drastically, as the originals were green, red, and two shades of gold on white. I just couldn't do something that Christmasy, so... I changed it. I like the way these colors work together so far.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Another Point

The southeastern point of the compass is done, which means more progress made. This week was working on the inside area. I feel like the end is in sight.

Rhapsody in Blues

Lots of shades of blue in my Cobblefield Road, and my husband finished framing it this weekend. I really like the job he did, though he's second guessing the color of the mat.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Pink Squares

My travel project got a little bit of work done on it this week. I'm still working on frames for different stitches, but it's progress. These go really quickly if you can devote more than ten minutes in the car waiting for someone to get out of work to them.

Autumn Round Robin Thank You

Thank you to Cobi, Lyn, Rita and Cindy for returning this lovely embellished block to me! I love it. It's inspired me to make three more, one for each season, and make a wall quilt. Thank you again for your lovely work.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Rounding Out the Bottom

The third line and egg are coming along nicely; I really don't know what else to say about it.