Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sun Square Temari

 Yet another of the gift temaris, this one is a simple square design on a S4 marking.  I think, because of the thread and color choices, that it came out pretty well.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Getting to the Bottom Branches

You'd think that such a small ornament wouldn't take long to stitch, but it took a surprisingly long time to get this far.  It might be that every single square is stitched and there are a lot of color changes.  Anyway, I'm working on it still and I hope to have it done soon.

Ball for Braeden

 Braeden, a friend's five year old, came over to dinner one day last month and was fascinated by me making a temari.  He learned the difference between a needle and a pin, and how a temari was marked.  So, what could I do but foster his interest by making him his own temari?  His favorite color is red, so I made red the dominant color for embroidery. 
He enjoyed it when I gave it to him and used it in the original intent - throwing it across the yard and playing catch.  It was holding up surprisingly well.

Gift from Sussy

Sussy gave me this wonderful magazine.  It's Labores en Hogar, and is a Spanish language needlecraft magazine.  If you see a copy, grab it.  They're very, very rare here in Uruguay, and full of wonderful projects.  Thank you so much, Sussy!

Fire Damage

Last month our plans to see Harry Potter were foiled by a short in a popcorn machine.  The damage in the theater was so bad they closed it off and there was smoke on the mall's glass roof.  The cinema's on the top floor, and it happened the day before we got there.  No injuries or anything, but it's going to be a while until it's open again.  Maybe we'll be able to see Harry Potter at the other mall before it stops its run.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Proudly Pirouetting

I finished the stitching on this in the middle of last year, but didn't make it into an ornament until last month.  The recipient was feeling down and not in the Christmas spirit the day I gave it to her; I think it helped some. I think it came out fairly pretty.

Lovely Pinkeep from Ana

I am very lucky to have friends who gift me with their handiwork.  This Ana made for me.  It's a beautiful pinkeep with its own foldout stand, so it can stay out all year!  She also gave me these brilliant threads that are itching to be made into a temari.  Thank you so much Ana!  It's all spectacular!