Thursday, January 31, 2008
Goals Progress
No pictures this post, just an update on my goals. I posted them here in December. This month I finished six projects, including one UFO. One was an ornament, which means I'm on track for that goal. I did a project for the Take It Further challenge too, so I'm still on track with that goal. Crewel Choices is -almost- done and will be finished tonight or tomorrow, which means within a day of its deadline. Go me! Medieval Town Mandala is showing good progress, as is the Midi 2. I -should- be able to get them done on time. I still have yet to start my husband's stocking or his Bibendum. Soon. I'm happy with the progress I've made so far, even if January is a long month and I have more time to complete things during it.
stitch goals
Greener and Golder
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
UFO Be Gone
I started this a couple of years ago. Piecing's always easy for me; it's the quilting part that bogs me down. Two of the rows of triangles were already quilted when I picked this up last week. At the time of this picture, the third row is halfway done. Since this picture on Friday, I've finished it! Not only is the quilting done, but it's bound up and completely finished. Now to figure out what to do with it. It's about the size of a placemat...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Halfway There
Monday, January 28, 2008
Light Stuff
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tulips Done
A Different Kind of Round Robin
It's not cross stitch! This is a crazy quilting round robin. My block was an entry earlier this month; this is someone else's. She lives in Colorado and used all whites. I decided it needed some color, so I put a goldwork rose on it. I'm going to do a goldwork seam treatment too and, I think, put an embroidered fan on it. It's started, though.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tying it Up in Knots
The knotwork is really beginning to be seen on this. It got a bit extra in the way of work this week as I had it as my take-along project. The top knotwork is over halfway done now, so I'm really making progress. I'm glad I did it on the evenweave I had instead of the aida provided - because I'd've gone crazy working with aida for this big a project.
cross stitch,
Ornament Done
Friday, January 25, 2008
Golden Lines, Dark Scaffolding
This week's progress is a bit subtle. I added the second gold line and more of the dark blue edging areas inside the garden. The fabric is really making the pattern pop, but I find this area has a -lot- of partial stitches. It gets kind of hard keeping track of them all the time. On the other hand, I'm getting toward halfway done with this side, so I'm making progress.
A Touch of Spring
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Take it Further - Stand Your Ground
This is the very first design I've ever taken from my mind to completion in embroidery. I'd done it in crochet before, but never in this. I like it. The goldwork with the brown floss worked well. The lazy daisy stitches aren't very uniform, but I think they shouldn't be. The design's only about four inches square, but the way it looks gives me confidence to try something else. On top of that, it applies to my project challenge because it was completely stitched from stash. I wonder what next month's will be.
Flowers Done
I got the flowers done on the right side this week and even managed, barely, to start some of the stitching on part four - directly below part three. At this rate I'm certain I'll get this done this year. It's going along more quickly than it was last year. I think part two was just soooo big it was hard to get past. There are still a lot of specialty stitches to add to this part once the cross stitches are done, though.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Edging Around
I got more than usual done on this last week. The outer edge on the inside, some gold, and some blue. I doubt I'll finish this corner before the end of the month, but I'll definitely finish it in February. My goal is still to finish this whole piece by the end of the year. I was looking through the thread kit the other day and there are several colors I have yet to use at all so far. Maybe they'll be in the houses around the edges.
An Unexpected Finish
I ended up finishing this today because I couldn't really work on anything else for several reasons. I needed something easy and mindless and this was it. Sagittarius is done and the piece will be mailed out tomorrow. Now I'm down to one cross stitch round robin piece and one crazy quilt round robin block in my possession. It doesn't count for a finish because all the supplies were included. So I'm still stuck on 22 of 25 projects done for my challenge.
cross stitch,
round robin
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Light Gold Skirt
This week was filling in more skirt, the lighter area almost ad the edge. This piece is just big and it's hard to see progress sometimes because the piece I've done in the past week is so much smaller than the overall bit. This one is in my daily queue after the Celtic Knot. Then I'll show a lot more progress every week! For now, it's getting worked on and it is getting bigger, at least. The blocks of color make it much easier to work on.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Flowers and Leaves
I've made a lot of progress on this this week. I even learned how to make bullion roses. For a novice, I think they came out pretty well. Now I'm down to the big flowers and leaves. Since I'm working on this every day now, I hope to finish them by the end of the week, so I can send it to evaluation at the beginning of the month.
I think some of it would translate better to silk, especially the smaller flowers. Maybe next project I'll mix fibers.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Taking Shape
The lower edge of the current stitching is the lower edge of the top half. It's coming along pretty well. At the rate I'm going with the crewel, this will be my daily project by next week. Only three colors on this so far, and whole stitches only. Worst thing to watch out for is miscounting. The yellow braid is looking good on the green.
cross stitch,
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Started, Frogged, Started Again
I'd worked on this earlier in the week and picked it up again yesterday. When I worked a little bit farther, I found out I was off center by one square, so I had to frog the whooooole thing. I'm back now, after the frogging, to just a bit more stitching on it than when I started yesterday. At least it's right now, and I've learned never to trust the square on top of the one I'm stitching for centering. The stitching, as you can see from the mini-saga, goes quickly on this. There are very few color changes. I'll have it done by the end of the month, even just in regular rotation. At least, close to done.
cross stitch,
round robin
Friday, January 18, 2008
A Touch of Pink
Two New in the Rotation
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Striping in Blue
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Arching Up
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Dazzle Done
Browning Out
Monday, January 14, 2008
Filled with Stars
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Balancing Leaves
I got the second leaf done this week. For some reason, this one took a bit longer than the first Both of them look a bit more ragged than I hoped. I'm not sure if it's because of the stitch she had us use as outline to make it look ragged-edged, or if it's just overall me not doing a good job. Ah, well. It's only my second or third crewel project in years and I've been doing this part in hand as she says to.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I had to do some pretty extensive frogging on the left hand side this week. I was off by one stitch on one part and two on another. So, I ripped and redid. I still managed to have more stitches done at the end of the week than the beginning.
cross stitch,
Friday, January 11, 2008
Midnight Blue
I've been filling in the middle some, this part with the dark blue scaffolding. There are, I think, a total of five different colors of blue in each of these. It feels like this one is going faster, but it's probably just because there's not that much regular cross stitching in the edge parts, since those are reserved for specialty stitches. Or maybe I'm speeding up, but I really doubt that one!
Ares Done
cross stitch,
round robin
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Getting Golder
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Back in the Rotation Again
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
More Red, More Gray
Monday, January 07, 2008
Dazzling Edge
I got the edge conpletely done this week, and unfortunately not anything else. I need to set aside time and just get this -done-. It's my plan to once I'm done on the zodiac round robin I'm stitching on daily. This will be my daily item until it's done afterward.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Leafing Out
I think I shaded the leaf fairly well. For some reason, I've come to like doing crewel more and more despite my "color in the lines" personality and liking of all things counted.
Cream on Cream Round Robin
Yes, I know. I need another project like I need a hole in the head ... but this one's different! I'm doing a cream on cream crazy quilt block round robin. This is the block I pieced. There are five of us in the round robin, and I'll work on everyone else's as they work on mine. The reason I started this so precipitately was because the others in the group were getting really itchy to start -despite an official start date of January 30th. It's ready to go now, so I don't have to worry about not starting on time.
As I was making this block, the name came to me - Slivers of Sunshine for the litte yellow silk pieces in it.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Knot Right Now
The knots are really beginning to form. This goes quickly when I do it, but I'm waiting to finish my Crewel Confidence before putting this front and center. It's easy and there's only counting to do, so it's not giving me any trouble.
cross stitch,
Friday, January 04, 2008
More Borders
Backwards Progress
I've made quite a bit of progress on Ares this week despite the backwards stitching. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I'm getting comfortable doing it this way. I really want to have this piece done before the end of next week, so I'll be working diligently on it some more. I do wish she had picked three strands instead of two, though. All that black and dark colors on the white are showing how skimpy the coverage is. Not my problem, though.
cross stitch,
round robin
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Skirting the Edge
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Looks Almost the Same
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Bordering on a Finish
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