Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Purse Right Side Out

This week, I managed to get to the point of turning the purse layers right side out. Since taking these pictures, I sewed up the open side and mended the little areas that didn't quite get caught into the hem properly. Now to sew up the edges and make it into a real purse before beading it some more... I should get it done before going to ANG seminar in August, right? I do like the color of the lining, even if I don't like sewing it. It's slippery.


Hazel said...

Wow have you really stitched that? It is awesome! I am truelly amazed. Well done.

Meg said...

It's not as hard as it seems - just fussy with the beads. I've somehow managed not to get my beads scattered from hell to breakfast once yet, despite having acquired a really curious cat. Thank you for the compliment!